The ‘right thing’ and the ‘best thing’ are often two separate things. What one chooses at the time of judgement reveals one’s character.
Month: May 2020
Chocolate and I
I love chocolate. For some reason, not so much the food by itself (for instance, a chocolate bar), but as an ingredient or a flavouring substance (such as chocolate cake or ice cream). And I like my chocolate pure. If I’m having a Hot Chocolate Fudge, I’d rather have chocolate ice cream in it (conventional […]
8 remarkable movies
Cinema at its best
sounds Of My Mind
I suffer From the sounds of my own mind My mind is my cage My thoughts my captor Someone Whom I can share myself with, I seek Someone Who can set me free, Help me escape The tidings of my mind One person To be my friend, my guide My Love My Life My […]
Why can’t we have music as a religion?
Music, that elixir of life
There is White, and there is non-White. There is the Truth, and then there is everything else. There is no Grey. Only Black and White exists. Grey exists only as a convenient way for people to prevaricate.
Freenary a carein the world Lightlike the flightof a bird Livewith a songin the heart Makelove, of yourlife a part Hopin the puddlesafter it rains Streamsof happiness flowingthrough your veins Drinkyour vodkas andthe zesty wines Makemerry while thesun still shines Lifehappens once aswe know it Overit will bein a split Makelove not warpeace not hate […]
Life’s a continuous lesson. It’s over when it’s over.
Living in India, it’s almost as if, considering the idea that one can enjoy life to its fullest is a sin. One is almost made to feel guilty for enjoying life, for having fun. This is how repressed, repressive, and cut off from life we as a society have been. We don’t live, we exist.