
Brand trickery

Or, Branded tricksters
How Brands fool us


The Shape of Roti

How important is the shape of a food item? Would Nachos still taste like Nachos if they weren’t triangularish in shape? (Yes, I created a new word. Deal with it). Are Burgers and Pizzas always supposed to be round? Would a Roti be less of a Roti if it is not a perfect circle? I […]


Accentuating the accent

I was attending a party some friends had thrown to celebrate the birthday of a friend of theirs. Present among the group was a person who made a remark in accented English to tease the birthday girl, who, owing to her business commitments, frequently interacts with clients based out of India. The comeback retort by […]


Gift not cash, but gift gift

Because cash is not gift


Horn NOT Ok Please

I can’t say for the others, but we Indians seem to hold the honk very dearly


Why can’t we have music as a religion?

Music, that elixir of life


Formal education is a waste of everybody’s time

Education should be the bedrock on which society and character are built, and not merely a stepping stone for our skewed ideas of ‘success’.


The week is an artificial construct

created by humans. Yeah, yet another post bashing humankind. “But all units of time – day, hour, year – are man-made, and hence non-natural”, you might argue. Yes, that is correct; however these units represent some natural phenomena – Earth revolving around the Sun in 365.25 ‘days’, rotating on its axis in approximately 24 ‘hours’. […]


Why men love sports

I reckon it has to do with curves. Take,The curveball in Baseball.The swing and seam curving the trajectory of the cricket ball in the Gentleman’s game.The spin on the yellow ball in the sport of Tennis.The famed curve kicks in Football.And I don’t have an eye for Golf, but even there the curve of the […]


The dying breed of Original Thought

If one has been following my blog, one would have seen how I’m strongly opinionated, and my views run at a tangent to conventionally-held ideas about the right and the wrong, the acceptable and the unacceptable. And while the content of my views might not be acceptable according  to the society’s definition of it, I […]


The fake artificial lives we live

Pink elephants all around us. In the room. On the streets. At the workplaces. Especially at the workplaces. And at social situations. More so in social situations. I was once attending the birthday party of the son of a cousin of mine. Being of a reserved nature, I do not like to attend many social […]


The Covid-19 situation is EXACTLY what the doctor ordered

…for the earth. Doctor Mother Nature. Those of you who think this is a sadist post by a sadist mind, perhaps it is. But who cares about the definitions and perceptions anyway. They are human-made. And humans are dying. That’s the great thing. Hurt your sensibilities? Drop off. Awoken your curiosity? Read on.


The reason I don’t like using the term ‘Sir’

Because it reeks of social and class fragmentation. Because it inherently points towards the ‘superiority’ of certain commoners (Wikipedia: Since the Late Modern era, “Sir” has been increasingly used also as a respectful way to address any commoners of a superior social status) over others. Because it leads to the creation of artificial hierarchies that […]


Displacement of dust

Displacement of dust. Re-positioning the dust particles from point A to points B, C, and D. C and D being the two lungs of a passer-by.


When I switched from Hope to No-Hope

Counter-intuitive to widely held, and accepted, beliefs, no-hope can actually be a liberating feeling. Let me explain. But first, a little bit on the widely held, and accepted, belief itself. Whenever people are going through a phase of depression and dejection, one of the most frequent advises friends and well-wishers have for them is: Don’t […]


On analogies: the mindlessness of the use of them

Analogies are used to compare two ideas, so as to explain and clarify the meaning of a line of thought. However, they have quite the opposite effect on my intellect. I find analogies inherently fluff and superficial, and devoid of meaning and substance. Here’s why. Analogies serve the purpose of strengthening pre-held ideas. They are  […]