created by humans.
Yeah, yet another post bashing humankind.
“But all units of time – day, hour, year – are man-made, and hence non-natural”, you might argue. Yes, that is correct; however these units represent some natural phenomena – Earth revolving around the Sun in 365.25 ‘days’, rotating on its axis in approximately 24 ‘hours’. A week, on the other hand, doesn’t. The Week has been created as a fallout of the capitalist/corporate culture. The distinction between a ‘work week’ and a ‘weekend’ is purely non-natural, artificial, and pretentious.
The seasons differ basis the earth’s journey around the sun, the hours of light and darkness vary basis its spin, and humans have to live in accordance with these natural phenomena. Nature, however, did not intend for one day to be different from the other, from a Wednesday to be separate from a Sunday. The wind does not blow differently on a weekend as on a weekday, the tides do not rise and fall based on the day of the week, and the Earth still rotates the same irrespective of the calendar on the wall.
Humans, though, wake up at different times, lead distinct lifestyles, engage in different activities, based on whether its a workday or not. It is this I have an issue with. We have created this distinction. Only to meet the ‘created’ demands of corporate life. We can’t enjoy the pleasant weather on a sunny winter Monday morning, or a breezy cool April Thursday afternoon, we do not live in tune with nature, because we ‘have’ to be at the workplace. We lead lives disconnected from nature, from reality.
This is the new age unfortunate reality, a fallout of the Industrial Revolution. What day it is shouldn’t determine how one should spend his/her time any given day, because all days are inherently the same. It is we who create a demarcation. Ostensibly for our benefit. But is it really for our own good?
The Week is an artificial concept. It does not exist, should not exist. It is time we reclaimed the week.